The reason shoulder Dislocations are so common is that the amount of freedom and hence instability, of the shoulder joint as a whole. The shoulder has the biggest array of motion of any joint in the body, but the congruency of the articulating bones humerus and scapula is quite poor. The joint therefore depends on the help of the surrounding soft tissues – the joint capsule, labrum, ligaments and muscles.
Shoulder dislocations are Often thought of as fairly minor injuries, no matter how the damage which may be associated with a dislocation can be extremely severe. The most common damage is to the glenoid labrum. This is a ring of cartilage surrounding the socket of the joint part of the scapula or shoulder blade which functions to raise the congruency of the joint by efficiently deepening the socket. Damage to other soft tissues like rotator cuff tendons, nerves and blood vessels are also frequent.
For this reason, it is Important that a dislocated shoulder is not put back in place by a person who isn’t trained to do so. Normally, an X-ray or MRI will be taken before the shoulder is reduced to assess for any related harm. Following this, depending upon the direction of dislocation, a man oeuvre will be performed to enable the humerus to move back into place. The arm will then be immobilized in a sling for a week or longer.
After a dislocation the Chances of the identical shoulder dislocating are higher. This is a result of laxity in the joint capsule and ligaments surrounding the joint after they had been stretched during the initial accident. Any associated accidents make repeat dislocations more likely. So as to prevent posterior dislocation shoulder, a period of extensive rehabilitation is necessary. This should aim to strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, improve proprioception the sense of the joints position, and restore whole range of motion.